2 Tips To Help Speed Up Healing For A Hip Fracture

Elderly people are more at risk of hip fractures. One reason for this is that as you age, your bones become more brittle because of things like calcium loss. Recovering from a hip fracture can be very difficult for elderly people for a lot of reasons. One of them is that they generally have to have surgery in order to repair the fracture and just healing from the surgery can take a long time. Then there is the fact that a hip fracture can require that the person spend time in bed for a while so that the fracture can fully set. There are things that you can do that will help you or your loved one get better after a hip fracture. 

Better Nutrition

One thing that can help your loved one get better faster after a hip fracture is to change their nutrition levels. There are several things that can be added into a diet in order to help heal. One of the things to do is to add in things that are high in calcium and vitamin D. Those foods include things like milk, fatty fishes, dark leafy greens, and liver. The vitamin D and calcium can also help even after the hip fracture has healed because it will strengthen other bones and help prevent further fractures, like another hip fracture on the other side. 

Gentle Exercise

There are studies that have shown that some gentle exercise as soon as the person is mobile can help to get the circulation moving, which can help with healing. It can also help to prevent things like pressure sores, blood clots, and pneumonia. That can also strengthen the bone as it is healing. Gentle exercise usually means things that aren't very weight-bearing or that will spread the person's weight out as much as possible. One thing to try is water exercises. That's because the water will bear most of the person's weight while they are exercising and provide the resistance that they need in order to get stronger and get some benefit from the exercise. As the person gets stronger, other exercises can be added in, like walking. 

Hip fractures can cause a lot of problems in senior citizens. If you or your loved one has suffered from a hip fracture, then you need to have some tips in order to help speed up healing and feel better. Speak with a professional to learn more about elderly personal care

About Me

Getting Help At Home

When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was devastated. In addition to confronting the realities of chemotherapy and radiation, I was also faced with the prospect of spending a lot of time in hospitals. However, one of my doctors recommended home health care, and I can truly say that it changed my life. In between treatments, I could stay at home, where I was able to work, play with my grandkids, and do a little housework. The opportunity to stay home really helped me to find solace during my treatment, which meant a lot to me. My blog is all about the benefits of home health care, so that you can decide if it is right for you.

